Main > Information Disclosure (6496-U)

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» Information Disclosure in accordance with the Central Bank of Russia Directive dated 02.08.2023 # 6496-U

Disclosure of the information in accordance with the Central Bank of Russia Directive dated 02.08.2023 # 6496-U

The points 1.9,8-10,13-15,20-21 and 28-34 of the Annex to the Directive are not applicable. The information disclosed must be available before the day of all securities market participant licenses cancellations.


The information subject to disclosure.

Reference to the point of the Annex to CBR Directive 6496-U

Terms for information disclosure

Information/ sources



Full and short name of the professional securities market participant in Russian and in foreign language if the name is bilingual.

point 1.1

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

Full name: “Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank” Joint Stock Company


Short name: Credit Agricole CIB AO

Information is valid.

Date of information disclosure -20.05.2016 in accordance with 3921-U


Licenses of professional activities on securities market numbers and dates of issue

point 1.2

The information disclosed before the before the day of all securities market participant licenses cancellations.


Licenses of dealer activities on securities market

 № 178-03871-010000 issued 13- December, 2000


Electronic copies of all the licenses to exercise professional activities on securities market


The tax identification number

point 1.3

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

TIN: 7831000612

Information is valid.

Date of information disclosure -20.05.2016 in accordance with 3921-U


PSRN number

point 1.4

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

PSRN: 1027800000953

Information is valid.

Date of information disclosure -20.05.2016 in accordance with 3921-U


Address of the professional securities market participant specified in the Unified State Register of Russian Legal Entities

point 1.5

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

Legal address: d. 1, str. 6, Bolshoy Zlatoustinskiy per., int. ter. Basmanny municipal district, Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation

Information is valid.

Date of information disclosure -20.05.2016 in accordance with 3921-U


Phone number, fax number of the professional securities market participant

point 1.6

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

Phone number: 8 (495) 564 85 00

Fax: 8 (495) 564-85-25

Information is valid.

Date of information disclosure -20.05.2016 in accordance with 3921-U


Official  web sites and accounts in social media of the professional securities market participant

point 1.7

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

WEB site

No grounds for information disclosure


Official e-mail address of the professional securities market participant

point 1.7

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

General e-mail:


Information is valid.

Date of information disclosure -20.05.2016 in accordance with 3921-U. Information is valid starting 29.07.2024


Surnames, name sand patronymic (if exist) and professional experience of the members of the  Board , Controller, Heads of RPC, IGE and Units involving into securities market operations maintenance of the professional securities market participant

Point 2

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

Not disclosure information


Information of suspension/renewal of the licenses with the dates and reasons of suspension/renewal

points 3 and 4

The information disclosed before the before the day Central Bank of Russia decision issued.

No grounds for information disclosure


Information regarding the decision of securities market participant to notify the Central Bank of Russia about license cancellation

point 5

Within 10 working day after sending notification to Central Bank of Russia and the day Central Bank of Russia decision issued.

No grounds for information disclosure


Information about the licenses' cancelation

point 6

The information disclosed before the before the day Central Bank of Russia decision issued.

On 28.09.2022 the Central Bank of Russian Federation took a decision for cancellation of license for depository activities No. 178-03963-000100 dated December 15, 2000 and license for brokerage activity No. 178-03810- 100000 dated December 13, 2000 Notification

Date of information disclosure- 29.09.2022, validity period-  5 years since the date of disclosure


SRO memberships information

point 7

During the whole term of membership in SRO and 5 days after membership approving/ cancellation.

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

Self-regulatory organization «National Finance Association» until 07.11.2023

Self-regulatory organization «National Associations of Securities Market Participants» -from 21.06.2023

Date of information disclosure- 23.06.2023, 08.11.2023


Information about the SRO standards applied by the securities market participant in its activities

point 11

During the whole term of membership in SRO and 5 days after membership approving/ cancellation.

Base standards

Internal standards of SRO «NAUFOR»

Date of information disclosure-23.06.2023


Financial reporting, equity calculation, audit confirmation (if available)

points 16-19

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure

Reporting forms


Template of the brokerage agreement

point 12

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.



Template of the custodian agreement

point 12

The information disclosed before must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.



Information on the issues with software used by the professional securities market participant which resulted in activity failure or constraints.

point 22-23


The information disclosed  1 hour after the issue occurring and must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.


Date of information disclosure - 25.07.2024


Information on activity resumption after software issues, resulted in failure or constraints of the activity of the professional securities market participant.

point 24- 25

Within 10 working day since the software recovery


Date of information disclosure - 25.07.2024


Information on significant court hearings, which can result in a considerable impact on financial standing of the Bank as professional securities market participant.

point 26

The information disclosed 2 days after  decision receiving and must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure.

No grounds for information disclosure


Information about bankruptcy cases

point 27

The information disclosed 2 days after  decision receiving and must be available within 5 years since the day of more recent disclosure

No grounds for information disclosure


List of clearing organizations having agreements signed with the Bank



National Settlement Depository, National Clearing Center AO


List of trade organizers, including foreign ones, where the Bank participates



Moscow Exchange, PAO