Main > To consumers of financial products and services

Group overview

» To consumers of financial products and services

Please, be advised that provision of financial services and products to individual customers is not a primary business objective of CA CIB AO in Russia. Any of our documents available on this web site cannot be considered as a public offer of a financial service or product.

You are kindly advised to see an important information at the following link:!.html

Considering the Federal Law #123- FZ 04.06.2018 “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services” the obligatory out-of-court resolution of disputes between consumers of financial services and financial organizations was enacted as of January 01, 2021.

The complaint to the Financial Ombudsman may be submitted in electronic form through a personal account on the Financial Ombudsman website or in writing by a mail addressed to the Financial Ombudsman office.

Please, find below the Financial Ombudsman contacts:

  • Address: 3, Staromonetny lane, Moscow, 119017
  • Phone numbers: 8 (800) 200-00-10 (from Russia) and +7 (495) 120-13-79 ext. 00020 (from abroad)
  • E-mail:

Before appealing to the Financial Ombudsman, it is necessary to submit a complaint to the Bank in electronic form to

The complaint will be processed by the Bank and the reply will be given not later than 15 business days after the date of complaint receipt.